I never got around to posting this a few months back... I made grape jelly last fall, from the grapes I planted in the back yard, over the berm.
To start, I picked the grapes off the vines, washed them and put the grapes in a large pot. Pick some that aren't quite ripe, they have more natural pectin. Next step is to crush the bottom layer of grapes and add a tiny bit of water, just enough to cover that crushed layer. Probably about a half cup.
You cook this for about an hour, releasing the juices. I also add a quartered apple to get a little more pectin. Carefully ladle the cooked grapes into juice bags, suspended over a container and let all that juice drip into a bowl.
Now it's time to cook the juice into jelly. First simmer the juice uncovered, for about 5 minutes and skim off any froth that forms. I then add about 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar for every cup of juice and stir til dissolved. Cook over medium heat until the jel or sheeting stage is reached. (about 220 degrees) Ladle into sterilized jars, to within 1/8" from the top, and put on the two piece sterilized lids. Invert the jars immediately for one minute to complete the seal. Turn upright and cool. Store in a cool, dry place.