Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Our poor car...or is it our poor pocketbook?

Last weekend, someone hit Gary's parked car in front of our house. It's totaled. Gary had been driving the car for only four days after putting $1200 worth of repairs into it. We're just sick about it, and hope to get some of that back - but we have to argue with an insurance company, and you know how that is. They are going to look at the car today and give us an amount. Gary is driving the caddie we got from his sister Karen's husband, John. He sold it to us about a year ago for $2 grand, the blue book was something like $5 grand on it. We figured it would be an OK car for the boys to drive, I guess it's a good thing we had it around! The poor woman that hit the car is a cancer patient. She was just feeling good enough to go out after spending the last few weeks getting chemo. She didn't get hurt, but her car was totaled as well. She was reaching for a water bottle and didn't see our car. She hit it pretty hard, it moved an entire car length and got pushed up on the curb. That totally twisted the frame - you can't open the driver's door and the doors on the other side aren't flush any more. We had decided to invest in the repairs because it has been such a great car, it had never been in the shop prior to this. Gary figured if we got the repair work done (new catalytic converter, disc brakes and fixed a leak in the power steering fluid) that the car would last another three or four years.

It's funny, when they gave us the estimate for the repairs, my first
thought was - "if we put that much money into the car, something will happen to it." Crazy.

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