Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day three....this may be construed as torture!

Gary cracked. I don't blame him. Last night, he made tuna casserole for dinner. (I asked them to make food I don't like so I wouldn't be tempted!!) Gary, Luke and Ethan ate that. (Kevin wasn't home.) I had corn on the cob, cooked broccoli, and fresh veggies (carrots, celery, etc.) I also cracked.....had some tuna before it went in the casserole. But, my big cheat was to have some of the frozen margarita that we have in the freezer. It didn't even taste very good. Guilt ruined the flavor. :(

Today is fruit/veggie day. This morning I had watermelon and a peach for breakfast. Gary had Wheaties. I think he is giving up. He has an office lunch tomorrow and a softball picnic Thursday night, so I don't blame him. I don't know if I can last either. The cravings for other things is getting stronger and more hard to resist. (Thus the margarita last night!)

I haven't weighed myself so I don't even know if this is doing anything - although, how can it not!? I went for a couple walks yesterday and my total calorie intake for the day had to have been much less than what I burned. I'll tell you though, if at the end of the week I find I haven't lost too many pounds, I will be very disappointed. And mad that I went through this for nothing!!

We are thinking this diet may be for people that need to lose a lot of weight. For those of us that only need to lose 5 to 10 pounds, it might be futile. We will see......

Oh - and I would love a cup of coffee the way I like it - with milk and a little sugar. Black coffee is for the birds!!

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