Monday, August 25, 2008

Starting a new diet

I have never been on a diet in my entire life. I never really had the need, so that's pretty lucky. This has changed as I get older, though - the calorie intake apparently exceeds what I burn. So, starting today I am trying the "GM diet." Designed by GM company to help their employees lose weight. The first day is all fruit, second is all veggies, third is a combination. (I will go into the rest as I get to it.) Two things will make this difficult, I think. The first is that you are supposed to drink eight 10 oz. glasses of water a day. That in itself isn't too hard...but do you know how many times I will be in the ladies room at work!!? Second - no alcohol. If I cheat at all on this, it will be that part. The diet is only for seven days - if you choose to do more than one week, then you can drink wine or beer after that first week.

So, today is fruit day. All the fruit you can eat, except bananas. (They are later in the week.) So far I had a bowl of fruit salad this morning for breakfast, snacked on grapes all morning, and just finished another fruit salad for lunch. (I'm stuffed!) The salad has watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi, grapes and cherries. I have a pear and a nectarine if I get hungry this afternoon. I am on my fifth glass of water since coming to work, plus I have had two cups of tea. (At home this morning, I had three 5 oz glasses of water and a cup of coffee.) Needless to say, the ladies room is a popular stop for me today.

Tomorrow seems like it will easier, with the vegetables, but I guess I will find out. Gary is also doing this, I can't see him lasting the week without eating a bowl of Wheaties.

Google the GM diet if you are interested. It's really weird!

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